Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Part A

2. The blog itself was well laid out template wise but I felt I was staring at a wall of text on each subject.
3. the template is nice but most of the images were not formatted and fall in between sentences making it awkward to read around them.
4. information was well covered (5)
5. images are inline with text and text is often in large unbroken blocks (4)
6. readability wise, I like mine better (fits with my reading/comprehension style) visually, his has more time into the template design.

2. well formatted, large font (I can read it with my glasses), broken down into easily readable modules.
3. template is simple but he put time into making it his own.
4. information was well covered (5)
5. well laid out, text was broken up with bullet points, font size changes and color changes (5)
6. better for the most part, although it could have used a few more visual aids towards the end.

2. it's very white!
3. none, it's the default template, only the first blog post is there.
4. (1) there isn't any content beyond the first post
5. (3) very easily read, there's one post.
6. mine is a lot better, just comparing template and first posts. White is way to bright to read off of.
Part B
In 200 words, provide an overview of new things you have learned in this class. Also critique the class and make suggestions for improvement. What worked for you, what did not?

 I thought this class was very interesting and pretty well laid out. I didn't know about the Turkish guest workers were a heavy cultural influence in Germany (but I suppose it's similar to America's Mexican influences). I had also never heard of the RAF before, this was a particularly interesting topic because I've read a lot about revolutionaries and militant groups but the RAF never came up. lastly, I was interested in how Germans didn't have a body complex like most Americans do. (Saunas, beaches, movies, etc.)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Baader Meinhof Complex

The Baader Meinhof Complex is a stylized movie about the upcoming and disillusioning of the Red Army Faction. (RAF)

Started by a protest against the Shah of Iran leading to the unprovoked death of Benno Ohnesorg, Gudrun Ensslin helps carry out fire bombings at a local department store in retaliation. Caught by police, they were put on trial and is interviewed by Ulrike Meinhof. Meinhof's life in the RAF is covered until her "suicide" in prison followed by the declining years of the RAF. While the film is said to cover many details of the real accounts of the Red Army Faction, it is often criticized for glamourizing terrorism and the success of the attacks. It is also criticized for focusing too much on the protagonists (RAF) and not enough on the political side of things. which according to Siegfried Buback, carries the danger of people identifying too much with the RAF.

personal reflection: The Ideals of the Red Army Faction can still be heard today with tactical changes in approach. Where Guns and bombs use to speak loudest, now can(and frequently is) replaced with widespread protests, Hacking and social media.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Role of the German Military during the 20th and 21st century

Germany's military can be divided up into distinctly different groups during the 20th and 21st century.
  • German Empire from 1871-1918
  • Weimar Republic 1919-1933
  • Third Reich (Nazis) 1933-1945
  • Ally occupation 1945-varied(ultimately 1990)
  • Reunification 1990-Present
While there was smaller systems between or within these, these were the major groups in the last century.
Early 20th Century
Early German military was responsible for Defensive purposes but was responsible for helping their Ally forces during world war I.
post-WWI, German Military was broken down into paramilitary groups which which operated from 1918-1920.
Treaty of Versailles restricted the size of Germany's army to 100,000 soldiers, 10 armored cars and 36 active naval ships, no airplanes allowed.
In 1933, when Hitler was elected chancellor the role of the military slipped into a quasi-Caesar like invasion machine throughout the third Reich's rein.
Post-WWII/Cold War
In the years presiding WWII and the throughout the Cold war, Germany's army was naught. occupation by the allied forces (democratic) and the Communists (USSR) turned Germany into little more than a territory of the occupying countries. Military forces comprised of Germans weren't enabled until the early 1950's when a public army (to aid NATO) began to reform.
The only other military units were mine sweepers.
Germans joining French,  Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy and the Netherlands had been proposed but never established.
German Military is maintained for Defensive reason only. No offensive or invasive reasons are allowed. However in 1994 "Defense" was redefined to include protecting Germany abroad (embassies, security abroad, etc.)
until 2011, Military service was mandatory for all men when they turned 18 for a 6 month service. conscientious objectors could opt-out for civilian service or 6 year voluntary service to emergency services (red cross, fire department, etc.)
in 2011, German Military became completely voluntary.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

German Industries and labor conditions in the 18th and 19th century:

German industry in the 18th and 19th century had suffered from Germany's unique disarray of states. Before the 1800's, German was mostly a rural farming and a few urban trade cities, this paired with Germany's lack of a central government (or goal) made technological advances in industry difficult due to the non-existence of a technological common ground. This was later cured around the 1830's when British engineers and equipment was imported to train competent engineers and build infrastructure. Starting in the mid-1800s, nationalistic movements started the process of unification in Germany the Franco-Prussian war sealed the movement in 1870 as the second Reich. When Germany unitized into a single country, trade tariffs were diminished so Germany could begin their industrial revolution to catch up with the modernized world.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Berlin Calling

1. What do drugs mean to Ickarus?

The drugs are part of his music, to him the music without the drugs is incomplete.

2. Why, when, and how are his fans taking drugs, and which drugs do they take?

They are taking them as part of the show, using them to enhance the experience of the music and party. They take them before, during and or after the show/party. anything that's handed to them that sounds like fun, there really isn't any deliberation on what to take except in the few occasions people don't want to mess with "hard/heavy" drugs. in reality, there isn't really a line there though.

 3. While we can see that his drug habits get him ill and into a psychosis, and while we witness his relapse and inability to work successfully, why does the subculture Ickarus belongs to focus on drugs?

 because drugs enhance the experience of the lights and music (and bathroom sex). everyone is focused on their experience rather than their surrounds and other's well being.

 4. Compare the standards you know from your home society with the people you see depicted in this movie. Which are the stark differences and contrasts?

 Generally speaking I don't take random drugs handed to me at concerts. I also wouldn't place being bombed over my personal relationships and work. I'm generally pretty careful at concerts so nothing is slipped into my drinks or food. Although I have many close friends and family that are actually a part in the EDM culture in the movie.

 5. Germany is considered a strong industrial nation the world over. Do you think that the youth culture as depicted here could change that? How about work ethics of Ickarus and of Alice, the label director who fires and then re-signs him?

 Yes and No, It strongly depends on the ratio of Youth Culture as depicted in the movie versus the youth culture choosing professional or at the minimum a less destructive culture. This question could be comparable to the US's 60's hippy culture. The work ethics shown in the movie show the kind of work ethics of an EDM artist and their reluctant bosses. It's the nature of the beast, the same could be transplanted from the rock scene from the last 4 decades.

 6. Which similar "cult movies" of US origin have you seen, if any?

 The only other movie that comes to mind is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. A movie about a (real) journalist, Hunter S. Thompson takes a trip with his Lawyer Oscar Acosta to Las Vegas and describes the trip on a LOT of drugs.

- and write your personal reaction to the film. Point out cultural differences that "jumped" at you, behaviors that you would not have seen or expected in the US, and summarize your viewing experience.

Having been in this particular scene firsthand it doesn't surprise me or at this point interest me. The cultural differences between Germany's EDM scene and the United State's EDM scene is minute. Same music style, instruments, drugs, glow sticks, etc. are used in both German and US EDM scenes.

This movie game a nice personal viewpoint of the life of an EDM artist but overall didn't show me anything I haven't seen first hand before.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Heavy Metal/Rock/Punk:
Bass Invaders (bass guitars no conventional guitars)
Die Toten Hosen - Hier Kommt Alex  ("The dead pants/trowsers"-Here Comes Alex)
Muff Potter
Parasite Inc.

active years 1970-present (44 years!)
active years 1994-present
Paul van Dyk
Virtual Riot
Current Value
Nena (known for 99 red balloons, "99 luftballons)
Tokio Hotel (earlier music more alternative rock)
Google Image
ITunes store

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Katczinsky(Kat) (scavenges food): finds Horse flesh and bread in an area an artillery man claims there is nothing to be had.
I've been thinking about where to look for food once we find shelter. We're heading towards deserted building to set up camp for the night. One of the Infantryman claims there's nothing to find for food around here but I think I have an idea where to find some food and maybe some bedding for the old wire frames of beds in here. I wandered around shortly before finding what I was looking for, hay. I carry back the hay to the building where the rest of my platoon is and present everyone my good news. short after this I wander back out for food.