Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Role of the German Military during the 20th and 21st century

Germany's military can be divided up into distinctly different groups during the 20th and 21st century.
  • German Empire from 1871-1918
  • Weimar Republic 1919-1933
  • Third Reich (Nazis) 1933-1945
  • Ally occupation 1945-varied(ultimately 1990)
  • Reunification 1990-Present
While there was smaller systems between or within these, these were the major groups in the last century.
Early 20th Century
Early German military was responsible for Defensive purposes but was responsible for helping their Ally forces during world war I.
post-WWI, German Military was broken down into paramilitary groups which which operated from 1918-1920.
Treaty of Versailles restricted the size of Germany's army to 100,000 soldiers, 10 armored cars and 36 active naval ships, no airplanes allowed.
In 1933, when Hitler was elected chancellor the role of the military slipped into a quasi-Caesar like invasion machine throughout the third Reich's rein.
Post-WWII/Cold War
In the years presiding WWII and the throughout the Cold war, Germany's army was naught. occupation by the allied forces (democratic) and the Communists (USSR) turned Germany into little more than a territory of the occupying countries. Military forces comprised of Germans weren't enabled until the early 1950's when a public army (to aid NATO) began to reform.
The only other military units were mine sweepers.
Germans joining French,  Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy and the Netherlands had been proposed but never established.
German Military is maintained for Defensive reason only. No offensive or invasive reasons are allowed. However in 1994 "Defense" was redefined to include protecting Germany abroad (embassies, security abroad, etc.)
until 2011, Military service was mandatory for all men when they turned 18 for a 6 month service. conscientious objectors could opt-out for civilian service or 6 year voluntary service to emergency services (red cross, fire department, etc.)
in 2011, German Military became completely voluntary.

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